Provisional Measures in Investor-State Arbitration: States Playing Games in Local Courts by Invoking the Trump Card (Police Powers)
Investment Treaty Arbitration, Interim Measures, Sovereign Immunity, Suspension of Criminal Procedures, Treaty InterpretationAbstract
This paper outlines arbitral tribunals’ power to order provisional measures under the auspices of I.C.S.I.D. Arbitration; that is, investor-state arbitration. The scope of a tribunal’s power is cumbersome to discern, especially when there are possible interferences with state sovereignty. More recently, tribunals have ordered provisional measures to suspend a domestic criminal investigation or proceeding. Is this an infringement on a states sovereign prerogatives or a response to, for example, dilatory tactics by a rogue state? The crux of the issue is this: a state will always be in a position to utilize its prosecutorial powers in order to frustrate the arbitration by putting immense pressure on the investor, its employees, or its witnesses, in other words: “playing games” in local courts. In order to guarantee procedural integrity of the arbitration and, as a corollary, the legitimacy of investor-state arbitration in its entirety, the provisional measure is a practical tool that can be used effectively. On a similar vein, “sovereignty” should not force tribunals to tie their hands when serious interference with the arbitral procedure is making the procedure unfair at best,or a nullity at worst. However, legal text both empowers and constrains the tribunal. The I.C.S.I.D. Convention only allows a tribunal to “recommend” provisional measures. As seen in light of investor-state case law, in an informal (perhaps de facto) stare decisis context, a number of tribunals seem to have justified the ordering of provisional measures. In the shadow of this construction lurks the de-legitimizing of the entire investor-state arbitration system. At the same time, rogue sovereigns playing games in local courts have the same de-legitimizing effect.Downloads
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How to Cite
Dautaj, Y., & Gustafsson, B. (2019). Provisional Measures in Investor-State Arbitration: States Playing Games in Local Courts by Invoking the Trump Card (Police Powers). University of Bologna Law Review, 4(1), 27–71.
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